Saturday, February 20, 2010


My usual Sunday morning TV viewing has left my head spinning.....
While the memory was still fresh I thought I'd share with you a couple of  "pearlers" from our elected politicians and ever hopeful aspirants as they gently debated the state of the nation with some of our respected journalists this morning.

I am ever hopeful of "plainspeak" ....something that's in really short supply these days as they wind themselves up with the pre prepared gobbledegook that passes for policy...or even (golly gosh) ... for the  occasional educated guess....which brings a smile to my face....but surely not their minders as they try to salvage something from the riposte

I am ever hopeful for an answer to the question...but try as they might they never quite manage  to say ...Yes!....or even better .....No! 

How simple would that be....  Instead we get prevarication as they twist and turn under the belligerent questioning of the moderator......

Enough I say.....

Acronyms aside, here were just a couple of this morning's offerings...OPTIONALITY.....SERENDIPITOUS COMMENTS.....FISCAL ZERO 9....EXECUTIONAL PROGRESS.....the mind boggles

Dear readers....please bear with's not my usual style....I'm a simple conversationalist, but I do have a game of SCRABBLE on the boil....and I'm ever hopeful


Melbourne Girl said...

White Dove, I love my Sunday morning's with Barry Cassidy and whoever else is on the couch at the Insiders Studio, although I have to say I am getting weary of Piers...anyway, I'm tired of the polli-speak as well.

I'm wondering though why the minders aren't telling them all to pull their heads in and tell it like it is for a change!

I admit, it is good for scrabble though lol

White Dove said...

Well said, Lesley!

Arlee Bird said...

Ooo! SERENDIPITOUS is one of my favorite words, though not a word I want to hear coming from a politician I think.


White Dove said...

LOL Lee...somehow your pollies seem to have a bit more style about least they can string a few words together, something I put down in my early years to a better general education....but lo....things have never been the same since Bartlett vacated the White House!


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